About us
CWU Club for the community
While Astronomy Club is a Central Washington University Club, we accept any and all from the community. Suitable for all ages and walks of life, Astronomy Club does not require any prior astronomy knowledge to become a member.
When do we meet?
Meetings will be held at 5:00 pm on Mondays and Star Parties will be held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at 8:00 pm. Meetings and events will be hybrid (Please join our emailing list to receive links to meetings and events).
The Tools We Use
Check out the equipment and software we utilize to enhance our experiences!
10" and 14" Dobsonian Telescopes
From the company Orion, these Newtonian telescopes (subtype Dobsonian) are the clubs most utilized tool to observe our sky.
16" Mead Telescope and Manual Dome
Our 16" Mead is a Newtonian, subtype Cassegrain, telescope that is secured to the roof on a special mount called an altitude-azimuth mount. The telescope is protected by a small dome that is opened and turned manually.
Lydig Planetarium
With a maximum capacity of over 80 people, the Lydig Planetarium is a sight to see. Utilizing 6 projectors, 8 computers, and Worldwide Telescope to display the stars, no visit to CWU is complete without going to a planetarium show.
Worldwide Telescope
Worldwide Telescope, also called WWT, is a free open-source project sponsored by the American Astronomical Society for exploring the stars in more ways than you can imagine. The same software used on CWU's Lydig Planetarium, WWT is an amazing tool for any aspiring astronomer to grasp the universe in the palm of their hand!